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As easy as Googling - AI finds the right substances


Chemspace and PharmAI collaborate to make the world's largest online catalog of small molecules and biologics even more user-friendly

Searching for the right chemical compounds is going to be as easy as Googling. That’s the reason behind the Dresden-based start-up PharmAI and the Ukrainian company Chemspace now signing a collaboration agreement. While the Kyiv-based company is the provider of the world's most comprehensive online catalog of small molecules and biologics, PharmAI provides a proprietary AI-powered software platform for processing small molecule and protein data. Together, they will ensure that Chemspace’s customers can find the right compounds for their projects easily and efficiently.

"With this joint effort, we are accelerating the search for suitable substances for Chemspace's customers," formulates PharmAI CEO Joachim Haupt. The Dresden-based company specializes in AI-supported software for the analysis of 3D protein structures. Their Focused Library service will make searching Chemspace's catalog even easier. The Kyiv-based company aggregates chemical substances as well as biologics from various manufacturers in order to make the compounds available to their end customers in a bundled form. Chemspace’s platform is used by large pharmaceutical enterprises as well as small biotech companies and university research groups. "Through our technology, we can better guide our customers to the compounds they would need for their research and development even before they place an order with Chemspace." To accomplish this, all the software needs to know is the objective of the project.

Easier, faster, cheaper
The proposed workflow is significantly faster and more precise than conventional approaches since the number of substances to be tested in vitro can be heavily reduced before they are purchased. "In a metaphorical sense, our catalog becomes much more accessible to our customers thanks to the PharmAI technology," explains Chemspace CEO Yurii Moroz. It will immensely simplify the selection and thus the decision-making process, while at the same time accelerating as well as improving the quality. "Ultimately, our customers save money because everything runs more effectively and more swiftly than before with improved results."

In the coming months, the parties will be working together to finalize the release of this new tool, which is planned to be launched in early 2023. The first contact between the companies dates back to 2019 when the PharmAI team met the Chemspace team in Kyiv. Already then, the first ideas for integrating their software into the existing catalog emerged. "We are delighted that we are now working together to develop a service that will be unique in this form worldwide," added Haupt. He is confident that there will be more projects with Chemspace in the future. "The collaboration is very rewarding for both parties and the team at Chemspace is very innovative when it comes to finding new discovery solutions." Yurii Moroz adds, "The usability of our online catalog is gaining from PharmAI's technology. It will definitely not be the last joint project!"


Source:  ChemEurope

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